How to Trust a Web site in Internet Explorer

From its early days as a browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer has been designed to protect its users against malicious content on Web sites by changing the browser's behavior depending on the zone that a Web site belongs to. For example, Web sites within your organization's network (the Local Intranet zone) are more trustworthy than those out in the Wild Wild Web. So, IE lowers its defenses for local content (e.g., your company's Intranet) and raises them for anything else.

This heightened security level sometimes breaks the way a Web site displays on your browser. To fix it, you must tell Internet Explorer that you"Trust" it. Here's how you do that:

  1. Visit the Web site.
  2. Then Click Tools (the gear icon) > Internet Options
  3. On the Security tab, click Trusted Sites (green check mark icon)
  4. Then click the Sites button
  5. The address of the Web site your visiting should present itself in the text box under Add this website to the zone:
  6. Click the Add button to the right of the text box.

If it complains that it doesn't have the https:// prefix, simply remove the check from the box that says Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone and repeat step 6.

Then click Close and OK.

Be judicious in your use of this feature. Use it only on sites you know to be authentic and trustworthy.

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